¿Qué tan buena es la UNAM (y qué tan buenas son las universidades mexicanas, y qué hacer al respecto)?

Join me in a voyage with Charles V, Napoleon III and the Viennese crusaders into the illusory cities of gold, and the actual silver cities of the Mexican Bajío to explain to my not-so-American friends why I am Mexican, and why I do look Mexican.

Postcards from Guadalajara.

Entrevista sobre el problema y estudio de la mente y la conciencia en el programa de radio Sinapsis, divulgación científica de la Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro

Did you ever want to learn Pachelbel's flagship piece for solo keyboard and found, to your disappointment, that existing arrangements were a little too... non-canonical? Well, grieve no more.

Machine learning study on the automatic classification of human vs bot accounts (sybils to be more precise) in microblogging platforms.